Avoid putting yourself, your family, or your neighbours at risk by attempting to remove or dismantle asbestos on your own.
We strongly recommend you to call a licenced asbestos contractor if you are renovating your property and fear it contains asbestos materials.
Sydney City Asbestos is a reputed, fully licensed asbestos removal specialist. We have the necessary permits, experience and expertise to safely do any removal or disposal activity.
Professional and reliable asbestos strip out services
It is recommended that if asbestos, is felt underneath, is present under carpets, it should be professionally removed and the work site be cleansed of all dust in a manner that does not generate environmental contamination. Access to the site should be limited to those who are directly involved in the job and have the appropriate safety equipment.
During renovations, we can also supply a specifically lined bin for tradespeople to utilise. When the improvements are finished, our trained asbestos removal specialists will collect the bin and carefully dispose of the asbestos.
Asbestos is a kind of construction material that was widely utilised in the construction industry from the 1940s to the late 1980s.
Asbestos materials were widely used before the health problems were discovered, mainly due to their robust, fire-resisting, and strong insulating characteristics.
It is essential to get your property inspected for asbestos contamination
Asbestos comes in two varieties:
1. Bound/non-friable asbestos refers to asbestos that has been bonded together with cement or a resin binder to make it more stable. The health concerns linked to these goods are extremely low if they are kept intact. When the items are removed or handled, there is a cause for concern.
2. Fibrous/friable asbestos refers to asbestos that is brittle or fibrous and can be crushed into powder. This is a hazardous product that should only be handled by a licenced asbestos contractor who has been approved for the job.
Although it is difficult to detect asbestos by sight, your home is more than likely to contain asbestos materials if it was built before the mid-1980s.
• It is likely to contain asbestos materials if it was built between the mid-1980s and 1990.
• It is exceedingly unlikely to contain asbestos elements after the 1990s.
Items that may be constructed using asbestos include:
• Ceiling tiles
• Vinyl and thermoplastic floor tiles, as well as vinyl flooring coverings
• Carpet underlay (hessian)
• Internal and external wall sheeting, textured coatings,
• Gutters, rainwater pipes, and water tanks.
• Pipe and electrical equipment insulation.
• Flue and duct fireproofing
• Coated steelwork.
• Older heat-safe doors
Call us if your feel any immediate threat or have doubts
Asbestos carries no immediate hazard if left undisturbed. Hazardous fibres can be released from asbestos goods that have been damaged, fractured, or disturbed by activities such as pressure cleaning and cutting or sanding with power tools.
Asbestos fibres inhaled can become lodged in the airways, lungs, or stomach, increasing the risk of developing asbestosis, mesothelioma, or lung cancer. The amount of fibre ingested and the length of time you inhale them both raise your risk of getting these diseases. When dealing with asbestos products, extreme caution should always be exercised.
For safe and effective internal asbestos stripping services, call Sydney City Asbestos.